Soon To Be A New Me

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Today I realized that I have only THREE more days to eat what I want! I had pizza that was left over from yesterday and a trip to The Cheesecake Factory for some Spicy Cashew Chicken over Rice is planned along with a slice of Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake. Other than that I really can't think of anything else I want to eat. I ordered two cans of Unjury, one Chocolate and one Unflavored. My Dr. isn't a big fan of protein drinks but I wanted to have them in the house for the first few weeks. I am only on clear liquids for a week after surgery. Then I can start eating refried beans and a few other foods that I really don't like.

I have my list made out for all the things I haven't bought yet such as chewable vitamins, MOM, sugar free popsicles etc. It has been too friggen hot to get out of the house but I have to go pick up some drugs in the morning at the pharmacy. It was 115 today and very humid. This is not normal for this area and there is no sign of any change coming soon. I am taking my Dad's fan with me to the hospital just in case!

I can't wait until it is this time next week and I should be home. I may not be released until Monday since my surgery is so late in the day on Friday. My house is nice and clean and I love my new housekeeper. I hope I can keep her for a long time.


  • At 7/24/2006 7:15 AM, Blogger Too Fat To Fly... said…

    Dear Susan,

    Thank you for your kind message :-)

    I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your father passing away :-( I can only 'imagine' what it must feel like to lose a parent. My thoughts are with you my friend..

    Goodness, not long until your surgery now. I really am excited for you and I wish you ALL the very best! I shall be thinking of you.

    Good Luck!

    Love Lins x

  • At 7/24/2006 4:51 PM, Blogger Dagny said…

    Oh girl, eat what you want while you can!! I did!! Shamelessly!!!

  • At 7/24/2006 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    YES, take the fan, and take a few other things, too, including bottled water. Yes, I know you can't drink on the day or surgery but when it's okay to go to liquids, have some water around. I thought I'd claw myself to death for the want of water which never arrived. Also, as your housekeeper to do something for you -- move all the things you think you'll use on a daily basis, up to waist height, especially in the fridge. It's the smartest thing I did. I didn't want to bend over for a week and having all my necessities up higher in the fridge was really helpful and was a lightbulb moment. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, girl!

  • At 7/25/2006 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Was sent over here by Dagny. So sorry to hear about your dad. It is devastating. Just remember to breathe. I had RNY Sep 1 and now weigh 145 pounds (5'7"). Life is great on this side and you'll be amazed at the changes that are coming your way.

  • At 7/25/2006 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck with your surgery. Are you gonna be at Clovis? Clovis has smashing beds. Here's to hoping this damn heat wave is over by then.

  • At 7/26/2006 1:41 PM, Blogger bye said…


    First off, Jen told me about the passing of your Dad. I am so sorry. Loosing a parent is not easy at all. Please do email me whenever if you need someone to listen.

    I feel like I have been totally out of touch with my crazy life these days. I wil be thinking of you on your surg. day and know I send you big healing thoughts and prayers.

    A housekeeper? Damn lady! I am jealous!

    :)) KT


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